1·The value of investigation procedure is characterized by pluralism and multi level quality. So is its value target.
2·However, the multi level fusion architecture, another important multisensor information fusion mode, has not been applied to the integrated navigation system as far as know.
3·What is the most impressive is its many multi-level waterfalls and colorful lakes.
4·However, the data warehouse solution has some important differences, including: a strong orientation toward business data, multi-level iteration of the process, and more end-user involvement.
5·Simultaneously, the city erects the most astonishing, Cyclopean multi-level expressways to induce people off bikes and into SUVs.
6·It offers a practical guide to large project issues such as architecture, requirements development, multi-level release planning, and team organization.
7·Specialization also provides support for multi-level or hierarchical specializations, which allow more general topic types to serve as the common denominator for different specialized types.
8·This is especially true if you need to process complex command-line switches to create multi-level hashes.
9·Imagine you are wanting to build a beautiful, multi-level home (your life).
10·Undo operations are multi-level and expand the number of operations that can be undone.
Undo 操作是多级的并且增加了可以执行撤销操作的次数。